25 Ways To Get Grounded!
by Matthew John,
Contributing Writer, In5D.com
As the energies streaming into our planet from the Sun and the Great Central Sun continue to intensify at a staggering rate, the importance of GROUNDING becomes more and more crucial. For those suffering from a seemingly endless stream of Ascension symptoms, grounding is an absolutely necessary practice to help your physical body and to increase your quality of life. Here are 25 easy ways to ground:
1. Spend time barefoot on the ground
This is by far the simplest AND most effective method. When your bare feet (or hands or any part of your body) are physically touching the Earth, you are directly electrically and vibrationally connected to the Earth and the Schumann Resonance that She continually vibrates. If you work from home or spend a lot of time on your laptop, set up your laptop outside on nice days and do your work with your bare feet touching the bare ground. You may or may not notice the effects, but in the long run it will make a big difference.
2. Stay hydrated
Water comes from the Earth!! Adding a pinch pink Himalayan salt to your water is a great way to stay hydrated and give your body essential minerals.
3. Eat grounding foods
Meat and root vegetables are grounding. As are red fruits. But do yourself a favor and purchase organic, grass-fed meat and wild fish if you can afford it. Lean meats like bison, duck, deer and lamb are more likely to be grass fed. Grass-fed beef if it is from a reliable source. Wild fish, especially wild salmon! Root vegetables: sweet potatoes, yucca, daikon, carrots, turnips, beets. Red fruits: watermelon, strawberries. Be sure to incorporate some red into your diet each day!
4. Sunlight!
Most Americans and Canadians are Vitamin D-deficient, especially those living in Northern climates. I recommend getting at least 20 minutes of direct sunlight exposure 3-5x per week to maintain healthy Vitamin D levels and also to ground and re-charge. Direct sunlight naturally recharges your chakras and detoxes your entire physical and energy body. Expose as much of your skin as possible to the sun–yes, if you live out in the country and have no neighbors, bare it all!!! If you live in the South or West where it is very hot, you certainly need to get your sunlight before 10 a.m. or after 5 p.m. in the summertime. In the wintertime middle of the day is best as that way you will be getting both UV-A and UV-B rays! If you live in the North, in the middle of the day is the best year round if it’s not too hot!!
5. Hugging trees
Trees love to be hugged and I love hugging trees!!! The trees are our friends and want to connect with us!!! It is extremely grounding to hug trees. Wrap your arms around a tree for 30 seconds with your bare feet on the ground and you will feel different afterward!
6. Breathing
Perhaps the simplest but most important. If you have a hectic schedule, please do yourself a favor and practice taking ‘breathing breaks’, where several times a day you stop whatever you’re doing to just focus on your breath for 30 seconds. Put your hand over your abdomen and just breathe in and out slowly. All meditative practices which focus on the breath are very grounding.
7. Creating a grounding cord
Visualize a cord of light about 6 inches in diameter starting at your root chakra for men or your sacral chakra for women, and running alllllll the way down and connecting with the center of the Earth (you can visualize the center of the Earth as either a great sun or a solid crystal core.. Focus on this grounding cord for a minute or so, and then declare that it shall remain in place until the next time you meditate upon it again. Make it a practice to put your grounding cord in place every morning after you rise and every night before you go to sleep. You can make your grounding cord literally any color. Experiment with which colors make you feel best. You’ll find that some days, you feel drawn to go with one color, and other days a different color. Go with that!!!
8. Focusing on your feet
Focusing on your feet while you walk or sit opens up your main foot chakras and is grounding. You can practice ‘becoming’ your feet–moving your consciousness down into your feet. I find this a great practice to do while walking in nature.
9. Nature
Spending time in nature is one of the fastest and most effective ways to ground. Allow Mother Nature to absorb any negative energy you’ve accumulated in your energy field. Allow the negative ions of the Earth to detoxify your physical body. Spending an hour in nature 3-5x a week will make dramatic differences in your health and well-being!!!
10. Salt baths
Taking a 20-minute soak in warm water with 2 cups or more of Epsom salt, pure sea salt, Himalayan pink salt, or rock salt is a terrific way to ground. Also, bathing in salt water cleanses your energy field of negative energy and attachments.
11. Showers
Running water contains negative ions, which is grounding and detoxifying. Taking a shower morning and night is not only hygienic, but grounding!!
12. Playing with animals and children
Playing with your pets and your children is very grounding. They are much closer to the ground than us adults!!!
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13. Yoga, tai chi, and qi gong
These ancient practices bring you into alignment with the breath and the present moment. They are very grounding.
14. Conversing with others
Having conversations with others in-person is grounding because it brings us into the present moment. The sharing of laughter and love is grounding and healing.
15. Exercise and playing sports
Physical exercise is grounding, as it brings you in touch with your body and the present moment. Playing sports for fun is great as the Joy of playing and being present which others is very grounding.
16. Grounding crystals
Carrying and/or wearing grounding crystals is a great idea to help you with grounding. All black crystals such as hematite, black obsidian, black kyanite and jet are not only grounding but also protect your aura.
17. Grounding shoes
There are several websites out there which are selling handmade earthing sandals and shoes. Leather is conductive to the natural energies of the earth, while rubber is not.
18. Grounding mats and sheets
I have not tried these (yet., but you can purchase grounding sheets and mats online, or you can make your own (there are YouTube videos showing how to do it and it’s pretty simple..
19. Drumming and playing instruments
Making music is grounding, as it brings you into the present moment of the music you are co-creating. Making music with others is even better!
20. Being creative
What do you love to do that lets those creative juices in you flow? Writing? Drawing? Painting? Singing? Practicing that creative passion brings you into Alignment with the Present moment and Joy and is very grounding!!
21. Grounding tones
You can search on YouTube for the Schumann Resonance. There are several videos which have the Schumann resonance in binaural beats or tones. My favorite one is a video by Sapien Med.
22. Singing
Singing joyfully not only grounds you into the present moment, it clears out your throat chakra and balances your thyroid!!
23. Practicing presence
When you are present, you are grounded. You can make any activity grounding if you can focus on the activity itself, and slow down. A great way to practice this is every time you eat. To slow down, and focus on chewing the food. Not only is this grounding, but it drastically enhances your digestive processes and allows drastically more vitamins and nutrients to be absorbed by your body!!!

24. Running energy downwards
Visualize energy running down from above your head, through your crown, down your spine, and into the Earth, either through your feet or your grounding cord. You can do this while you are sitting, lying down, or even walking. You can look up the “Pushing Down Exercise” by Dr. L Wilson or click here to read more about the benefits of running energy down. His instructions are to run energy from your head down to your feet for 30 minutes or more per day, but I believe that any adaptation of this exercise is extremely beneficial, such as running energy from above your crown, through the crown and down through your grounding cord into the Earth. The key here is to run energy down. The benefits of doing this are extraordinary, as you will see if you read Dr. Wilson’s article. Benefits include detoxifying the organs, improved energy, and releasing etheric attachments.
25. Having a grounded person help you out
If you are lucky enough to be around someone who is energetically grounded, centered, and balanced, have them put their hand on your lower back for a little while and you will feel more grounded!
About the author: Matthew John is a Spiritual Teacher and Intuitive Healer. He offers inspirational and educational articles and videos on his Facebook page and website. He also offers private sessions worldwide via Skype on a sliding scale basis, including Soul Plan Readings, Awakening Coaching, Starseed Coaching, Intuitive Nutrition Readings, and Intuitive Healing & Coaching Sessions. You can check out his work and book readings and sessions at www.youareadivinehuman.org.
Image: Pixabay
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