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What We Can Do Now To Stop AI Technology And Brain Mapping

By on July 16, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

What We Can Do Now To Stop AI Technology And Brain Mapping

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by Michelle Walling, CHLC
Contributing Writer,

Silent Weapons are being used against humanity with the intention to take control of the brain functions of humans. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the term used to describe the hive mind extraterrestrial technology or super brain computer that the controllers of this planet would like to plug everyone’s brain into. It is important to learn about this technology, how it is implemented, and what we are going to do about it.


The recent July 2015 newsletter by Lisa Renee had a keyword in it that caught my attention. “Brain mapping” is the term that Lisa used to describe one of the AI technologies that will be tested (and perhaps implemented) during the Jade Helm exercises across the United States. I also heard about brain mapping in Dr. Simon Atkins’ recent Skyaia video, and the synopsis of this video can be found in this article:

While Dr. Atkins just briefly mentioned the words brain mapping in his interview, Lisa Renee’s article goes into detail (very extensive and highly technological detail) about what brain mapping is:

“Brain mapping is a set of neuroscience techniques based on the mapping of biological properties onto spatial representations of the human or non-human brain that result in information maps. Brain mapping is further defined as the study of the anatomy and function of the brain and spinal cord through the use of imaging. This also includes neurological imaging, which image the neurological structure, function and impacts of pharmacology or toxins upon the nervous system. Functional imaging of the neurological system and brain allow the processing of information in the brain to be visualized directly in images and mapped. Brain mapping can be read and analyzed directly by computerized systems, and extraterrestrial or military personnel that can directly see what areas of the brain are being activated and which centers “light up” on the scan. To read brain maps and neurological imaging allows the data to be loaded into computer for analysis, or for any entity to have access to another person’s thought identification or mind-reading. This can happen in real time, in the moment, and instantaneously, if the program has accessed the person’s brain and neurological system. Both the function and the structure, along with all data content of the brain and neurological system can be analyzed. Clearly this technology can be used for positive and negative effects. The current development of brain mapping technology is far more advanced than the current medical system and science has been allowed, and it has been reserved explicitly for military intelligence programs.”

Lisa further explains how brain mapping ties into the AI technology:

“Through United States military factions, they endeavor to use brain-mapping technology to create a series of artificial intelligence networks that can be accessed remotely to easily predict and view details that allow better surveillance and control over the earth surface. These Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) networks dictate transmissions that pulse the individual human brain to be remotely controlled by an artificial global brain that links directly to off planet NAA control bases and ships. The artificial intelligence technology builds neural networks that can project false holograms into the instruction set on the ground, manifesting artificial timelines they can control. Essentially, the NAA strategy is to download computerized neural networks that eventually create one A.I. hive mind for the entire collective race of humanity so no earth human has independent thoughts. Most humans involved in these military operations have compartmentalized access to limited amounts of information and believe these military exercises are necessary, to protect our national security from outside threats of terrorism on the surface.”

I interpret this as the use of extraterrestrial technology that is being used to map our brains in order to create an AI program that will allow our brains to be hooked up and controlled. This AI program has holographic technology that can be projected through the neural parts of the brain. In essence, we would be shown a whole new reality through our eyes that is not really there, and our thoughts and emotions would be controlled as well.


In order to tap into our brain to play around with our thoughts, we would have to open the door and welcome them in. This is accomplished through many things like television, Chemtrails, vaccines, cell phones, video games, Radiation poisoning, GMO food, fluoride, EMFs, alcohol, “medical marijuana”, and low vibrational energetics such as fear, anger, jealousy, greed, illness, and depression.

I have been wondering why the controllers would want to decrease the population when we are energy sources for them. Apparently they plan to plug into as many people as they can to join the hive mind AI before doing so. Then they wouldn’t need all of the bodies that are currently on the planet, as they would have a never-ending source of emotional energy by triggering low vibrational emotions in the brains of their new version of humans. They would simply hook into the brain and the emotional field to feed off of the energy that it generates.

It really does not compute with me that this would be allowed to succeed. Perhaps it is because I know that I am here at this time to affect the collective human consciousness in a way that counteracts this. If they were to succeed with a portion of humanity, it will only be with people who are already part AI/negative beings because they are the ones that will not make it through the upcoming energetic shift of “Wave X” anyway. The reason it will not succeed with the rest of us is that we are naturally waking up and raising our vibration, which makes us “off limits” to brain manipulation.

The second part of transhumanism involves replacing body parts and healing diseases once the brain is under control. This would make people “superhuman” and allow them to become better slaves.

What we do from now until the end of September (and through 2017) will drastically affect future timelines for all of humanity. As Lisa Renee describes in her newsletter, we are currently in a magnetic polarity energetic position where the split in frequencies allows a “divergence” in which multidimensional timelines can be accessed and manipulated in the past, present, and future:

“Recently our planet has received unprecedented levels of liquid plasmic light transmissions pulsing through the planetary grid network, which first enter our atmosphere through the Arctic and Antarctic regions. Several milestones have been reached in the Ascension timeline with the yield of charged particles and subsequent light emissions that result from the interaction between Cosmic Rays, Solar wind and magnetospheric plasma. The interactions between these cosmic forces have radically increased proton activity in the planetary atmosphere, which produce an incredible amount of potential energy and consciousness available to the planet and to humanity. The accelerated infusion of proton activity is reshaping the Earth’s magnetosphere, creating fluctuations in the speed, density and direction of the magnetic field, which are strongly impacting the Earth’s local space environment.

Magnetic shifts greatly amplify the polarization of forces and increase the energetic schism that exists between the spectrums of frequency that are in the environment. As the energetic schism increases, the extreme polarity of combined forces that coexist together within a collective energy field split apart. At the point of divergence within the splitting frequencies, communication links are opened into many simultaneous timelines where the instruction set and cellular memories can be accessed and read. This makes it possible to directly project consciousness into these areas for correction and intersect into many different reality timelines, traveling in the past, present and future all at once.”

If the dark forces are trying to manipulate the timelines, then we can not only combat this but create the timeline we wish to see RIGHT NOW, while we are in this magnetic divergence of extreme polarity. Esoteric knowledge has included what the dark magicians are doing so that we could use the same astrological alignments in our favor to affect the outcome in a positive way. Doesn’t that sound like what we came here to do? This includes being responsible for our own thoughts and actions because they actually can change our reality.

See related article: In5d Radio: Astrologer Jim Dellicolli- Jade Helm, Wave X, And Much More

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The following is a list of things that we can do to ensure we do not give access to our brains to any other being. It is not a complete list, as many of you reading this article will already have naturally formed you own protective barrier around you in your own way.

1. Sovereignty Declaration. Be sure to add AI technology and the plan to turn humanity into transhumanists into your non consent declarations. “I do not consent to any being having access to my brain or any parts of my consciousness other than those of my oversoul or Source that has my highest and best interests in mind. I do not consent to brain mapping or the use of AI technology on my brain and I share this non consent with the collective human consciousness with the intention to free humanity from enslavement and domination and control”.

2. Place protection around you- especially your brain. This is where I would say that it’s not a bad idea to wear a tin foil hat!! Actually, you can simply envision that you have a protective shield or bubble of golden white light around your body, but especially focus on the head area in your intentions that your thoughts and actions cannot be infiltrated by anyone or anything else other than your higher self and those in alignment with Source and the plan to free the souls of humanity.

3. Frequency jam. Intend that the waves of cosmic energy coming in to the planet successfully bathe the entire planet and jam and disable all technologies that are being used against humanity and the planet. This would include microwave frequencies, ELF’s, HAARP, CERN, mind control, moon and Saturn signals, and all other electromagnetic and radio signals being used against us in the silent war on consciousness. You can even envision taking the cosmic energies into your heart, and then dispersing them with the intention of jamming all technology being used against humanity.

4. Keep your vibrations high. The only ones affected by the frequencies and technologies are those that are not doing the work of raising their vibrations and clearing out the negative energies from their energy field. If you were completely under their control, you probably would not be reading this article right now.

5. Be the neutral observer. Do not give too much obsessive attention to the negative AI agenda but know what is happening so that you can observe without freaking out when things start to happen around you. You may see people begin to “short circuit” as their brains are accessed and hotwired. As compassionate humans, our first reaction might come from empathy and the need to save people. It is essential to stay balanced, grounded, and neutral and to go within to decide how to deal with a situation. You may need to remove yourself completely from the situation when witnessing sociopathic and psychotic behavior. Stay clear of energy vampires.

6. Envision the world you want to live in. Imagine the stories of a New Earth, a higher vibrational planet free from tyranny and filled with joy and peace. Let your imagination run wild with a dream of a beautiful, healed planet and how you would be interacting and creating in such a world. The imagination truly is powerful, as the thought creates a possible timeline and the imagination magnetically draws it to your reality. You can’t mess this one up, because it seems that anything has to be better than what we are currently experiencing.

7. Rinse, and Repeat. Keep clearing your energy field every day. Put your shields up, and continue to put your intentions out to the universe as to what you see our future will be.

We are all connected through the collective human consciousness. When a small group of powerful, awakened individuals asserts their free will right to not be interfered with by AI technology and to be sovereign beings living on Planet Earth, the organic Source inherent within us overpowers that of any AI/Archontic/Illuminati technology. Only those who are already too far gone can be harvested for this evil agenda of demented negative thought form Archontic beings. Even those people will eventually be sent to “rehab” or reconstituted back to Source as the control matrix dissolves.

When something makes absolutely no sense it is obvious that it is not in alignment with the Divine Plan and there has to be a way to overcome it. We have to remember what the game plan is, and I hope I have sparked enough thought in this article for you to find that answer within yourself. Action is needed right now to offset and diffuse this insane plan to completely take over humanity and turn them into transhumanistic energy slave robots.


This is a gentle reminder that it is not the time to be spiritually lazy or to sit back and wait a savior. This does not mean that there aren’t Divine beings working with humanity. It means that they have given us the reminder of what needs to be done and now is the time to do it. If you have been searching for a way to contribute but find yourself unable to move forward on any major projects, your power could be used in this respect to help humanity. When you help yourself, you help humanity because we are connected. Therefore, spending a lot of time on yourself in clearing, meditating, resting, grounding, imagining, and being yourself will contribute and there are no start up costs involved!.

For another perspective on brain mapping, see this video from DAHBOO7:

About the author: Michelle Walling, CHLC is a Holistic Life Coach, international public speaker, writer, webmaster, and radio show host. In 2013, Michelle started her public career as a spiritual, metaphysical, and esoteric guest writer for Michelle is the webmaster for five websites including,,, and Michelle is the host of In5d’s Cosmic Awakening Show. Her personal Facebook page can be found here.

Image: Pixabay

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