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Tag: collective consciousness

Unity Consciousness Within 5D

Unity Consciousness Within 5D

By on March 12, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Angel V.  Ornedo,   Jr . Contributing Writer, Unity consciousness partakes of collective consciousness attained by humans who are awakened, free from hypnotism and veiling by dark forces. More than one being, volunteer or earth born, joined awakened humans raise the consciousness of Mother Earth-Gaia to 5d.  Higher Realm beings attain the level of planetary […]

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Light From Love

Light From Love

By on February 11, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

‘Light’ is life as without it no living things can flourish in the universe nor our planet Earth. For us light at the 21st century is very significant as aside from energy that it provides, the Source, God intensify light with healing and cleansing element that drives out human droll and blockages.

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Raising Vibrational Frequency

Raising Vibrational Frequency

By on January 17, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Angel V. Ornedo Jr., Contributing Writer, It is difficult to understand vibrational frequency of our lives when negatives surround us, looking ‘humans’ prone to doing things to favor self. If you do something not in their taste, likeness or their vested interest, they will surely create a scenario of dark situations to undermine you […]

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A Call To ALL Starseeds!  Hourly Starseed Global Alignment

A Call To ALL Starseeds! Hourly Starseed Global Alignment

By on January 15, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

by Kyle Wells Contributing Writer, I have been called repeatedly to write this article, but I kept putting it on the back burner, until the timing was right. That timing has come, Dear Ones! I wanted to bring our attention to the Starseed Connection, in regards to X:44, which is any hour at the […]

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Your “FREE WILL” Is Interwoven With DIVINE WILL

Your “FREE WILL” Is Interwoven With DIVINE WILL

By on January 9, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Adeana M. Slater, Contributing Writer, We experience amnesia with each incarnation so that we can truly be tested by our actions and reactions to each situation. We do have “free will” on Earth, which is a term I’m sure you’ve heard before. However, the idea of ‘free will’ to each individual seems to be […]

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Thoughts And Intentions For 2017

Thoughts And Intentions For 2017

By on January 7, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Doug Henderson, PhD, O.M., ICQBT, Contributing Writer, Some say 2017 will be a challenging year. I say, it will be whatever you choose to make it. The primary law of duality is summed up in the words, “I am only ever experiencing myself.” It’s a choice, a Free Will choice. DUALITY Duality means that […]

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As We Shift – A Giant WAVE

As We Shift – A Giant WAVE

By on January 6, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

by Sophia, It’s 2017. It is just the 3rd day of the year as this is being written and wow. Already so much is altered. I’ve heard from more than one powerful light warrior/worker and some of what they sense and see is best summed up by this quote from one of them. “All I […]

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What Is The Matrix And How Do We Exit From It?

What Is The Matrix And How Do We Exit From It?

By on December 17, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

What is important right now is shifting our focus to what we want to create and and remembering how to use the power the we have as a soul incarnated into a physical human Earth vessel. 

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Energy Update – Full Moon

Energy Update – Full Moon

By on December 15, 2016 in Energy Updates

by Bridget Rau, Contributing Writer, We are here dear ones, we are the Pleiadian Emissaries of light. We are very excited to see the expansive shifts taking place upon your planet at this time, and the ever increasing numbers of those waking up. So many of you have heard the call, and responded brilliantly with open […]

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Healing Gaia Within

Healing Gaia Within

By on December 15, 2016 in Meditation, Spiritual Awakening

One of the most common symptoms of the consciousness shift is pain in the back and neck. While the root cause could be many different things, it is common for people to hold “the weight of the world” on their back. This exercise was given to Prism during a meditation to help heal one’s internal projections of Gaia and to help shift Gaia herself.

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Intentions, Frequency, Karma And Cellular Communication – Preparations For 2017

Intentions, Frequency, Karma And Cellular Communication – Preparations For 2017

By on December 14, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Shawn-Dee Scott, Contributing Writer, 2017 is a year one, symbolizing not just the beginning of another 9 year cycle (Mother earth and her children is presently culminating a 9 year cycle right now!) but also a beginning or renewal for consciousness on both planetary and individual levels. The outcome of the U.S elections with […]

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How To Break Free From The Spell Of Fear

How To Break Free From The Spell Of Fear

By on December 10, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

Society nowadays is very much accustomed to the feeling of fear. We believe it to be a natural phenomena throughout the learning process. Almost all educational systems and most working environments are based on fear and the general motive and drive in the western as well as most of the eastern countries is one of fear. It is this artificial archontic force, which is determining the life of most people

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A Technological Quantum Leap Is Coming!

A Technological Quantum Leap Is Coming!

By on November 25, 2016 in Science with 0 Comments

The computing revolution has bestowed upon its pioneers, considerable abundance. They saw the coming tech boom, and found clever ways to monetize it. The quantum computing revolution is about to unfold. The advances made by silicon based computing will utterly pale in comparison to the windfall of knowledge to be gained through the use of quantum computing. A golden opportunity awaits those who are on the bleeding edge of co-creation. We can only begin to fathom how profoundly life on earth will change over the next few decades.

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Bashar – The Fall Of 2016, A Time Of High Acceleration And High Manifestation

Bashar – The Fall Of 2016, A Time Of High Acceleration And High Manifestation

By on November 22, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

In this video, Bashar talks about galactic and planetary changes beginning in the Fall of 2016.

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This Is How The Rainbow Child Differs From Indigo And Crystal Children

This Is How The Rainbow Child Differs From Indigo And Crystal Children

By on November 21, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Ginny Marston These children differ from the Indigo and Crystal children. They are usually born in the year 2000 and above and are here to help humanity evolve. Just as their name implies, these children have a full spectrum of colorful traits. These children are very sensitive with big smiles and have an […]

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